You are given an array of integers nums
(0-indexed) and an integer k
The score of a subarray (i, j)
is defined as min(nums[i], nums[i+1], ..., nums[j]) * (j - i + 1)
. A good subarray is a subarray where i <= k <= j
Return the maximum possible score of a good subarray.
Example 1:
Input: nums = [1,4,3,7,4,5], k = 3 Output: 15 Explanation: The optimal subarray is (1, 5) with a score of min(4,3,7,4,5) * (5-1+1) = 3 * 5 = 15.
Example 2:
Input: nums = [5,5,4,5,4,1,1,1], k = 0 Output: 20 Explanation: The optimal subarray is (0, 4) with a score of min(5,5,4,5,4) * (4-0+1) = 4 * 5 = 20.
1 <= nums.length <= 105
1 <= nums[i] <= 2 * 104
0 <= k < nums.length
class Solution:
def maximumScore(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> int:
N = len(nums)
i, j = k - 1, k + 1
res = min_num = nums[k]
while i >= 0 or j < N:
left = nums[i] if i >= 0 else 0
right = nums[j] if j < N else 0
if left < right:
min_num = min(min_num, right)
j += 1
min_num = min(min_num, left)
i -= 1
res = max(res, (j - i - 1) * min_num)
return res